Yahoo BB Modem


This photo guide might help with your YAHOO BB modem setup.

1) The wireless modem card should look like this:
yahoo bb modem wireless card
2) To install, first disconnect the power by pulling out the power cable from the back of the modem.
yahoo bb modem bare modem
Then remove the rubber plug from the top of the case.

3) Next, insert the wireless card.
It needs to be pushed in quite firmly.
yahoo bb modem insertion
(If card cannot be inserted fully so that the shiny metal part almost disappears, try flipping it around the other way.)
4) When fully inserted the two small lights should be just visible above the case.
yahoo bb modem live card
Reconnect the power and...

5) The hard part's done!
yahoo bb modem done
The lights on the modem card should now be on.
6) Relax two or three minutes while the modem re-starts.
yahoo bb modem starbucks

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