Kanji for Ho_ | Free Kanji Translation

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Kanji for HO_

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kanji for help
ホウ たす.ける
HOU, tasu.keru

kanji for clamour, crowded
clamour, crowded
ホン ひし.めく ひしひし は.しる
HON, hishi.meku, hishihishi, ha.shiru

kanji for decorate
フン ヒ ホン

kanji for flowing, vast
flowing, vast
ホウ ボウ

kanji for sagebrush, wormwood, mugwort
sagebrush, wormwood, mugwort
ホウ ブ よもぎ
HOU, BU, yomogi

kanji for bee, wasp, hornet
bee, wasp, hornet
ホウ はち
HOU, hachi

kanji for burdock
ボウ ホウ

kanji for bladder
ボウ ホウ

kanji for rudder, oar, name plate
rudder, oar, name plate
ボウ ホウ かじ たてふだ ふだ
BOU, HOU, kaji, tatefuda, fuda

kanji for suitcase, bag, briefcase
suitcase, bag, briefcase
ハク ホウ ビョウ かばん
HAKU, HOU, BYOU, kaban

kanji for latticed shutters
latticed shutters
ホウ ダ ダン ブ しとみ
HOU, DA, DAN, BU, shitomi

kanji for wrap, pack up, cover, conceal
wrap, pack up, cover, conceal
ホウ カ つつ.む
HOU, KA, tsutsu.mu

kanji for diaper
ホ ホウ むつき
HO, HOU, mutsuki

kanji for pimple
ホウ にきび
HOU, nikibi

kanji for how, indeed, I dare say
how, indeed, I dare say
ブ ム さぞ さぞや さぞかし
BU, MU, sazo, sazoya, sazokashi

-bi -dana -gata -kaeru -kata -kuzure -ppanashi -tobi -zurai 9-11PM a abalone aburu acrid acute adhere advance after agitated akari akasu akireru akiru aku alas also alternative amazed and angle angry answer anti- arai archery arms article as ask at atsui atsumono au awa awabi awning bachi back bag BAKU ball balmy BAN banish bark basket bath be become bee berth besides bi bird bitter bladder blade blister boat boil bokeru BOKU book bored boron BOU bountiful bow box-on-side bract break bream bribe briefcase brothel BU bubbles buck bud build bun burdock burn bury bustle BYOU call cannon capsize car careless catch censure change character cheek Chinese CHO CHOU clam clamour closing cloth coarse coat coiled collapse companion conceal consecrate cook counter country courses cover crested criticize crowded crude crumble DA dagger daku DAN dana dare date decorate dedicate defy demolish dense diaper die dignity dimly direction disgusted disobey disparage dobugai docile dried drift drum duckweed embrace embroider emit emulate EN enamel enclosure equal excellent excited extol far festival fire fish flag flavorable flip float flowing flutter foam for forked fort forth fragrant free friend froth FU fuda fugo full FUN FURAN FUU GAI gata get gift give go gong good-looking goods goose gourd growth guarantee gun gush HA hachi HAI hairknot HAKU hamaguri hamper HAN hanareru hanasu hanatsu haneru hashiru hata heat HEI help HI hi hikitsuke himotoku HIN hiroi hirugaeru hirugaesu hisago hishihishi hishimeku ho HO ho- hoe hoeru hog hoho hokeru hokosaki HOKU hold home homeru HON hoo hop hornet hot hotobashiru hotori HOU hou houjiru houru houzuru how hug hurl hurry husk HYOU i I ibis idaku ikade iku iku- ikura ikutsu imitate in indeed inoshishi irritable itsu izukunzo izure J825 Japan jerk jewel JUKU KA kaban kaeru kaesu kagamidai kagamitai KAI kaji kakaeru KAN kana kanbashii kanoto karai kasuri kata katagata katawara KATSU keep KI kindle kitchen kizashi kizasu kokoni koku konamochi kore KOU kuni kuriya kurumu kuwa kuzure kuzureru kuzusu KYOU lamp latticed law lb leap ledge leopard level liberate lift light lights line loiter long look madam main maku male malt MAN mantle many mark marry matsuru meal mebae meeting method mind mine model moeru mogasa mokko moor moto mound mount moyaibune moyau MU much mugwort mukaeru mukuiru mutsuki mythical N2705 nado nageutsu name nami nani nanzo naraberu narabini narabu narau ne nervous news nikibi niru niwakaame nogan nonstandard nori noroshi nuu oar observance obstructed of offer on ootori origin oroka oshikiuo otozureru out over pack pan- panther pattern peak perfume person peruse phoenix phone pig pimple placenta plain plate point pondo pound ppanashi praise prance precious present preserve principle protect question quickly rack raft rank rare real rebel rebellion reckless refinement release rendezvous report retribution reward RHS rice rich rival roar roast row rudder rule run rush sac sacrifice sagebrush SAI salary samayou same sasageru sated satiate say sazo sazokashi sazoya sea seal set sew sheath shelf SHI shigeru SHIN shina shitomi SHO shocked shoot SHOU show shutters SHUU sign signal simple slander smallpox snap so SO somuku sorasu soru soshiru SOU sound soup source souvenir spicy splash splashed spring sprout spurt sputter sterling stick sticky stipend stitch stones straw stray strong struck suds suitcase suki sukuu sultry summer summit support surging surname sustain swelling swords sympathy symptoms system tabaneru tabo tadayou takara take taki taku tamotsu TAN tana tare target tasukeru tatefuda tatematsuru tazuneru temper the then things time tired to tobi tobu tobuhi together toki toma tomo tomoshibi tomosu topknot toride tou TOU toyo treasure tree trellis true tryst tsukuri tsurai tsuto tsutsumu turbulent turn twelfth type ukabu undergo up upset valuables vast visit waku wander wasp wataire water waterfall wave wealth well what when which who why wild with woman womans wormwood woven wrap wrapper wrapping ya yakigari yaku yomogi yu yutaka zodiac zurai

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