Kanji for Tei | Free Kanji Translation

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Kanji for TEI

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kanji for body, substance, object, reality, counter for images
body, substance, object, reality, counter for images
タイ テイ からだ かたち
TAI, TEI, karada, katachi

kanji for determine, fix, establish, decide
determine, fix, establish, decide
テイ ジョウ さだ.める さだ.まる さだ.か
TEI, JOU, sada.meru, sada.maru, sada.ka

kanji for No., residence
No., residence
ダイ テイ

kanji for lower, short, humble
lower, short, humble
テイ ひく.い ひく.める ひく.まる
TEI, hiku.i, hiku.meru, hiku.maru

kanji for halt, stopping
halt, stopping
テイ と.める と.まる
TEI, to.meru, to.maru

kanji for propose, take along, carry in hand
propose, take along, carry in hand
テイ チョウ ダイ さ.げる
TEI, CHOU, DAI, sa.geru

kanji for government office
government office
チョウ テイ やくしょ
CHOU, TEI, yakusho

-hodo -jime -shime 4th abandon akirameru almond along amount an anchor ancient arbor armor arrears as askance at bank bare bark base be bind block boat body bold books bottom bravely brawny brother Buddhist cakes calendar calyx carbuncle careful carry central chastity CHI CHIN Chinese chirp CHOU clam class collide commandments compose conflict constancy cormorant correct cottage counter court courtesy courts courtyard creator cry cutting DAI DE decide decision degree delayed deliver DEN denounce depth determine dike discharge display distance down drinking edge eguru elders embankment emperor enemy establish even exhibit expected extent faithful fast fasten feel fern field fix flowering foot for formula founded fureru gallop garden gaze GETSU give glance god good government grapnel grindstone group guns hadanugu hairpin hall halt hanajiru hanashiru hand hangover happiness hares haseru hashigo headstrong heta hikui hikumaru hikumeru hinoto hizume hodo hoof humble I i ikadzuchi ikari ikazuchi images imoto imouto imperial in inksticks inquiry insatiable intoxication jime JIS572c JOU kamoji kanae karada karu katachi kawaru KEI kettle KII kiku kind kugi kusame kusami kushami ladder law leaves legged lever lightning limits listen lock looking lower mai making makoto male mansion mate matsuru migaku might migiwa mikado mow music nagi nagisa nagu nail naku name namida nasal naughty nawate ne neckplates niwa niwazakura No. nuku number oba object obstruct of offer office ohitsuji okite on one or ornamental otouto our over overdue palanquins path pavilion peduncle peg plants pleases present price propose province ram RAN razor reach reality regulations relay residence resist restaurant revise rice rickshaws ridge righteousness room root rowboat run sada sadaka sadamaru sadameru sageru saiwai sasuga scrolls SEI SEKI send sending service serving shave sheep SHI shikaru shikoro shimari shimaru shime shimeru shore short shoulder shut sign sister small sneeze soko sole something sort soru soshiru sovereign spell spy stage stagnant stagnate stairs stem stop stopping street sturdy substance substitute sumiyaka suru sympathy T1 tack tadashii tagaini TAI tairanisuru take takumashii te teaching tear tears TECHI TEI tei TEKI teko TEN TETSU the three thunder tie tighten to todokooru todomaru togu toishi tojiru tomaru tomeru tools TOU touch town tsue tsumabiraka tsutsumi tsuzuri tsuzuru turn u ukagau unit up upright var vaudeville vilify volunteer ward waters whetstone whey wig with write yakusho yard yashiki you younger yurusu

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